Kyushu BranchJapan Kyushu Branch
- 1982. 1.27 Enactment
- 1984. 5. 9 Revision
- 1988. 5.13 Revision
- 1992. 5. 8 Revision
- 1993. 5.14 Revision
- 2002. 5.10 Revision
- 2012. 3.21 Effect(Institutional change)
- 2013.10.18 Revision
- (Establishment)
Article 1
According to Article 52 of the Articles of Association of Information Processing Society, put the Kyushu Branch of the Kyushu region (Fukuoka, Saga, Nagasaki, Kumamoto, Oita, Miyazaki, Kagoshima, Okinawa) to.
- (Business purpose)
Article 2
(Referred to as "branch" below) of the Kyushu Branch, members living or working in the Kyushu region (hereinafter referred to as "members of the Kyushu Branch") by mutual cooperation, to achieve the purpose of the Association, required in the range set forth in Article 4 of the Articles of Incorporation to do business.
- (Configuration management of the branch organization)
Article 3
To Branch, Kyushu Branch of the next Steering Committee (the "Branch Steering Committee") to place.
(1) Branch Chief:1 person (2) Branch Secretary:within 8 person (3) Branch committee:Some person- 2. Branch committee is elected and shall from among members of the Kyushu Branch, approval of the Board of Directors is also branch secretary from among the regular members of the Kyushu Branch length and branch. Term of office is two years.
- 3.Branch Chief, every time of need, organized by a steering committee of the Kyushu Branch of the Steering Committee Branch (the "Branch Steering Committee") held, to oversee the smooth operation of the branch business.
- 4. Branch secretary and branch committee is to assist the Branch Chief, to carry out the business of the branch.
- (Management of Branch)
Article 4
Management of the branch is carried out by the annual plan and budget was approved by the Board of Directors.
- 2.fiscal Steering Committee branch, it is assumed to create a business report for the next year business plan, budget and before the specified time each year, submit to the Board.
- 3.Branch Steering Committee is intended to report the activities of the branch (such as various reports on the business-plan configuration, the balance of payments situation, the Steering Committee Branch) for the membership of the Kyushu Branch.
- (Supplementary Provisions)
- Article 5Terms and Conditions are effective from the date of Council resolutions be enforced from April 1, 2012.
- Article 6Abolition of this Agreement is carried out by a resolution of the council.
- Article 7The enforcement of this Agreement, the traditional "Terms of the Kyushu Branch" will be abolished.
- 2.As a transitional measure, the designation of "General Assembly" Branch "and Councilor branch" as defined shall be available only in fiscal 2012 in a range that does not interfere with the operation to "Terms of the Kyushu Branch of the" March 31, 2012.
In addition, the term of office of the Steering Committee remain in office branch of years, and 1 regardless of the provisions of Paragraph 2 of Article 3 from fiscal 2011.
- 2.As a transitional measure, the designation of "General Assembly" Branch "and Councilor branch" as defined shall be available only in fiscal 2012 in a range that does not interfere with the operation to "Terms of the Kyushu Branch of the" March 31, 2012.
Revision of Terms of branch
2002. 5.10 Revision1. Reason revised
In the other branch of the Information Processing Society, the term of office of the branch length is two years except for the Hokkaido Branch. In fact, for a term of one year does not have time to do the necessary measures for the activation of the branch, only to grasp the challenge and ends with an overview of branch activities. In addition, the Branch Chief in the headquarters conference has been held twice a year, one-year terms can not afford to do business activation of branch activities through collaboration with headquarters. In addition, there are situations experienced many became Branch Chief for a term of years, it has become increasingly difficult to select candidates.
On the other hand, amid a two-year term of office of an officer, and except for the auditor, there is no reason to only one year and an auditor. In fact, one year is considered short enough to get the understanding and cooperation of local activities to an auditor.
Taking into account the circumstances described above, in Article 9, changed to one to two years the branch length and term of office of auditors, in order to further promote the activation of branch activities, to revise the part of the terms and conditions.
Also, due to the migration office, in accordance with Article 15 of the, is to make a change of office location.
2. Revision
· Terms of text (Article 9, Article 15)
Prior to the revision
Article 9 of the officers shall be determined as follows: the term of office.
- (1)Year term of office of auditors is a branch length and branch.
- (2)The term of office of local councilor is and the branch secretary and two years, alternating each year half of them.
- (3) The term of office of an officer when a vacancy regardless of the preceding two paragraphs, a vacancy occurs in the office of any officer shall be the remaining period of the predecessor.
2. Reappointment of the same kind of executive officers and subsequent interlocking of heterogeneous is not permitted. However, in the case of (3), that period when the Tanjijitsu is, this does not apply the preceding paragraph.
Branch to handle the business of Article 15, provided in the NTT Data Communications Corporation Kyushu Branch Secretariat.
(NTT Data Corporation name changed 1998.8.1)
2.Can be the Secretariat, staffing and other necessary administrative staff
Article 9 of the officers shall be determined as follows: the term of office.
- (1)Term of office of auditors and branch to branch length and two years.
- (2)The term of office of local councilor is and the branch secretary and two years, alternating each year half of them.
- (3)The term of office of an officer when a vacancy regardless of the preceding two paragraphs, a vacancy occurs in the office of any officer shall be the remaining period of the predecessor.
2.Reappointment of the same kind of executive officers and subsequent interlocking of heterogeneous is not permitted. However, in the case of (3), that period when the Tanjijitsu is, this does not apply the preceding paragraph.
Branch to handle the business of Article 15, Provided in the Kyushu Institute of Technology.
2.Can be the Secretariat, staffing and other necessary administrative staff
■ Terms of Kyushu Branch of the operation
- (Place settings)
Article 1
According to Article 3 of the Articles of Association of Information Processing Society, put the (. Called "branch" below) of the Kyushu Branch of the Information Processing Society (including Okinawa) Kyushu district.
- (Purpose)
Article 2
The branch in the Kyushu region, aims to develop academic progress information processing, technology and related mutual contact with the Society membership, and as a venue for training purposes, to contribute to the development of science and culture.
- (Business)
Article 3
The branch, conduct the following activities in order to achieve the purpose of the preceding article.
- (1) Research and investigation
- (2) Such as holding lectures and academic research presentations
- (3) Held workshops, and tours
- (4) Related contact with the Society in the Kyushu region, cooperation
- (5) Other activities necessary to achieve the objectives
- (Member)
Article 4
Branch members, the Information Processing Society members who work or live in the Kyushu region.
- (Officers)
Article 5
Some put the name of the local council officers and the following chapter.
- (1) Branch Chief 1 person
- (2) Branch Secretary within 7 person
- (3) Branch Auditor 1 person
Article 6
Executive branch shall be determined by elected full member of belonging to the branch.
Article 7
Local councilor, the head branch to branch commissioned from among the members.
Article 8
Branch Chief, on behalf of the branch, branch to oversee.
- 2. Branch Chief, the Council convened a general meeting, and the Executive Committee, consisting of the chairperson.
- 3. When there is a vacancy in the branch president, or when there is an accident, it is assumed that Branch Branch Chief Secretary has designated to act in advance.
- 4. The branch secretary, to carry out the business of helping local branch president.
- 5. Branch auditor performs an audit for accounting of the branch.
- 6. Local councilor is, to assist with the execution of the business of the branch in cooperation with the Branch Chief.
Article 9
Officers shall be determined as follows: the term.
- (1) Term of office of auditors and branch to branch length and two years.
- (2) The term of office of local councilor is and the branch secretary and two years, alternating each year half of them.
- (3) The term of office of an officer when a vacancy regardless of the preceding two paragraphs, a vacancy occurs in the office of any officer shall be the remaining period of the previous responsibility.
- 2. Reappointment of the same kind of executive officers and subsequent interlocking of heterogeneous is not permitted.
However, in the case of (3), that period when the Tanjijitsu is, this does not apply the preceding paragraph.
- (General Meeting)
Article 10
The General Assembly will be held once a year. However, it may be held temporarily, if necessary.
- 2. The General Assembly, approved as of attendance of more than one-fifth of the full member belonging to the branch. However, power of attorney have been submitted or INTRODUCTION The crude shall be deemed to be present.
- 3. The General Assembly, approved as of attendance of more than one-fifth of the full member belonging to the branch. However, power of attorney have been submitted or INTRODUCTION The crude shall be deemed to be present.
- 4. Resolution is done by a majority of the attendees, when of a tie, the presiding officer shall be decided according to the place.
- 5. Matters the agenda of the General Assembly is as follows.
- (1) Matters relating to business
- (2) Matters relating to budget and balance sheet
- (3) Matters concerning the election of officers
- (4) Matters concerning the abolition of Terms
- (5) Other matters admitted, the Executive Committee is required
- (Executive Committee)
Article 11
Executive Committee, the organization has a branch length and branch secretary.
- 2. When deemed necessary by the Branch Chief, the auditor may request the attendance of councilors and local branch
- 3. The Executive Committee, whenever necessary, to be held.
- 4. Executive Committee is to discuss the following matters.
- (1) Proposals to be submitted to the General Assembly
- (2) Matters concerning the implementation of operations branch
- (3) And other necessary matters with regard to the administration of the branch
- (Council)
Article 12
Council, the council shall be organized by branch length and branch.
- 2. When deemed necessary by the Branch Chief, the auditor may request the attendance of the branch secretary and branch.
- 3. The council, whenever necessary, to be held.
- 4. Council is responding to the consultation of the local branch president about important matters concerning the operation.
- (Accounting)
Article 13
Expenses of the branch is, shall serve as grants from the headquarters, money donations and other income.
Article 14
The fiscal year of the chapter, beginning on April 1 each year and ends on March 31 next year.
- (Secretariat and Secretariat staff)
Article 15
To handle the business of the branch, provided in the Kyushu Institute of Technology Secretariat.
- 2. Can be the Secretariat, staffing and other necessary administrative staff.
- (Accounting)
Article 13
Expenses of the branch is, shall serve as grants from the headquarters, money donations and other income.
Article 14
The fiscal year of the chapter, beginning on April 1 each year and ends on March 31 next year.
- (Miscellaneous Provisions)
Article 16
This convention can not be abolished after the approval of more than two-thirds of the General Assembly, must obtain the approval of the council meeting.
Article 17
In addition to what is prescribed in this Agreement, necessary matters concerning the operation of the branch is determined separately.
Terms of branch
2012. 3. 21 Effect- (Establishment)
Article 1
According to Article 52 of the Articles of Association of Information Processing Society, put the Kyushu Branch of the Kyushu region (Fukuoka, Saga, Nagasaki, Kumamoto, Oita, Miyazaki, Kagoshima, Okinawa) to.
- (Business purpose)
Article 2
(Referred to as "branch" below) of the Kyushu Branch, members living or working in the Kyushu region (hereinafter referred to as "members of the Kyushu Branch") by mutual cooperation, to achieve the purpose of the Association, required in the range set forth in Article 4 of the Articles of Incorporation to do business.
- (Configuration management of the branch organization)
Article 3
To Branch, Kyushu Branch of the next Steering Committee (the "Branch Steering Committee") to place.
(1) Branch Chief:1 person (2) Branch Secretary:within 7 person (3) Branch committee:Some person- 2. Branch committee is elected and shall from among members of the Kyushu Branch, approval of the Board of Directors is also branch secretary from among the regular members of the Kyushu Branch length and branch. Term of office is two years.
- 3. Branch Chief, every time of need, organized by a steering committee of the Kyushu Branch of the Steering Committee Branch (the "Branch Steering Committee") held, to oversee the smooth operation of the branch business.
- 4. Branch secretary and branch committee is to assist the Branch Chief, to carry out the business of the branch.
- (Management of Branch)
Article 4
Management of the branch is carried out by the annual plan and budget was approved by the Board of Directors.
- 2. fiscal Steering Committee branch, it is assumed to create a business report for the next year business plan, budget and before the specified time each year, submit to the Board.
- 3. Branch Steering Committee is intended to report the activities of the branch (such as various reports on the business-plan configuration, the balance of payments situation, the Steering Committee Branch) for the membership of the Kyushu Branch.
- (Supplementary Provisions)
Article 5
Terms and Conditions are effective from the date of Council resolutions be enforced from April 1, 2012.
Article 6
Abolition of this Agreement is carried out by a resolution of the council.
Article 7
The enforcement of this Agreement, the traditional "Terms of the Kyushu Branch" will be abolished.
- 2. As a transitional measure, the designation of "General Assembly" Branch "and Councilor branch" as defined shall be available only in fiscal 2012 in a range that does not interfere with the operation to "Terms of the Kyushu Branch of the" March 31, 2012.
In addition, the term of office of the Steering Committee remain in office branch of years, and 1 regardless of the provisions of Paragraph 2 of Article 3 from fiscal 2011.
- 2. As a transitional measure, the designation of "General Assembly" Branch "and Councilor branch" as defined shall be available only in fiscal 2012 in a range that does not interfere with the operation to "Terms of the Kyushu Branch of the" March 31, 2012.